22,23,24,25 july

*Kavi kuwatra*

(Fazilka, dunera) (Male) (73.5 Kg) (5’7″) (non-veg) (41 yrs) (acidity, stone problem in kidney, SGOT ND SGPT high, lipid profile disturbed, uric acid high nd glucose fasting level on borderline) (likes.. Coffee) (non-veg outside once in a week) (prefer beer)


[Diet started on *29 June*]

*22,23,24,25 july* ?

?? *Need to follow strictly, timing can be managed according to your comfort but except your dinner time*


[ *Use only epsom(sendha) namak* ]

Early morning when u wake up at *5:00 am*

*(soaked overnight)*

First 10 days…. Take cinnamon (¼spoon) water… 200ml

Next 10 days… Take lemon(squeeze 1 lemon in water) … 200ml

Next 10 days… 2 garlic cloves with water

Then go for freshen up n check ur weight…

*After 10 min* … 4 soaked almond nd 2 walnut nd tulsi drops(2 drops with water)

Go for walk n yoga … as ur comfort morning or evening

45 min. walk daily n yoga


Cup of milk tea or green tea with 2 marie biscuits


*7:30 am*

22,23,24 july…..2 veg grilled sandwich (use 4 slice of brown bread) with salad of bowl

25 july…. bowl of veg poha (add max chopped veggies)with salad bowl

*Don’t take tea with your meal take it after or before half an hour of your meal*


*At 9:30 noon*

fresh juice


*At 12:00 noon*

bowl of cherries

Half spoon chia seed In a day…..before lunch…..add in your water bottle


*AT 2:30pm to 3:00pm*

22,23,24 july…. 3 chapati with veg and curd nd salad bowl


One day …moong dal as veg

25 july….2 oats kneaded chapati with veg and salad


*At 5:30 pm*

Cup of milk (use elaichi in milk) with handful of roasted chana 

Water intake maximum


*AT 7:30pm*

22,23 july…. bowl of veg daliya (add max chopped veggies) and salad bowl 

24 july….bowl of sprouts salad (add max chopped salad)

25 july…. bowl of curd mix salad(low salt) (add max chopped salad)

*AT 9:00 pm*

bowl of salad

Organic Green tea before 10 min to bed

(2 time green tea in a day)….



* Do walk for 45 min. daily

* Send me ur weight every day

* if any medical issues then send your report on every sunday (eg. Diabetes)

* Weight must check on same machine nd on digital machine and on same timing every time(empty stomach)



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